Tomorrow we will pack up and begin our journey home, with a stopover in Moab for a couple days to break up the trip. I am hoping our Suburban survives long enough to get us home. I am also hoping I never drive a Suburban again. I still can’t park the damn thing, it’s too big!

So thirsty she has decided to drink from Puck’s bowl!

We have really enjoyed our time here. All of us except Maya. She’s still hanging in there. I am not sure if she is going to recover or if she is just in a long drawn out decline. She is about half the size of her sister, not helped by the fact that Makoya is enjoying double rations since Maya is hardly eating! At least it appears she is not in pain like she was. Small blessings.

This morning Puck and I went out for one last bike ride. It was a lot colder than I expected. Good for Puck, not so good for me. I was wishing I had my winter gloves!




Some of the things I have learned about the Sedona/Flagstaff area:

·      Dry creek is the only appropriately named body of water around here. Apparently, the lakes and creeks are only around in the spring. Oak Creek and Mud Puddle (Lake) Mary being the two exceptions we found.

·      They have tarantulas. I know because we saw one (two but the first one was dead). It was actually on a hike in Flagstaff. I didn’t stop to take a photo because all I was thinking at the time was “Can tarantulas jump?”! Puck only noticed the dead one, thankfully.

·      Rattlesnake bites hurt. At least that’s what the little Golden Retriever, Maddie, said. She was our neighbor the past couple of days and had been bitten several weeks ago. Poor pumpkin, I guess all the skin peeled away around the bite and it has been a long healing process. Fortunately, we had no rattlesnake encounters.

·      Javelinas are cute. In a really miniature warthog sort of way…

·      Coyotes are scary (ok I knew that).

·      AZ doesn’t do DST (I knew that too; but thought you might want to know).

·      This Sedona red dirt has staying power. Puck’s paws might be red for a while…

·      The Local Juicery has really addictive food and coffee. I am learning to make my own Superfood coffee so I don’t go into withdrawal!

·      Saturday afternoon traffic in Sedona is horrendous. I found this out the hard way. And there are no alternate routes.

·      There is a very cute little town called Jerome nearby that is worth a visit. It reminded me of an Italian town because it is built on a hill. It is an old mining town but now is full of little boutiques and wine tasting rooms. Very cute.

“Lake” Rogers

While Sedona is stunning, and we have truly enjoyed our visit, I think Flagstaff might be more our type of town. Sedona seems like an upscale Moab (i.e. the jeep tour jeeps are fancier, even pink in some cases). Not that this is bad, but it has a different vibe.

If we take another trip down here, I think I would center it around Flagstaff and spend just a few days in Sedona getting in some rides on the best trails. I had thought about Flagstaff on this trip but it was late and Flagstaff does get snow so I was worried we might be in for bad weather. Turns out we would have been fine, but I think coming in the late spring could be a lot of fun. I need to do some more research.

I feel like I am slowly on the mend. Hopefully that will continue! As I type this I can report I have no zits, yippee! No cold sores, hallelujah! I’m feeling more like myself, and less like I want to crawl into a dark hole and hibernate.

That’s all for now.

I am busy soaking up one last afternoon of sunshine in Sedona, drinking my Superfood Coffee.