by Cary | Aug 29, 2018 | Travels
Sounds impressive, right? But for non-Coloradans, it’s not THAT far. It does, however, require a lot of climbing; those damn mountain passes just get in the way. Mark and I had been considering a trip like this for a while. It was with a self-guided tour with a...
by Cary | Aug 20, 2018 | Racing, Travels
I do love Park City. Soon I will have people to visit there (yay Grant & Shawna)! I’ve already spent more time in their new house than they have. This trip was just me & Puck, packing our days with as much fun as the two of us can handle. Our days mostly...
by Cary | Aug 13, 2018 | Travels
I am writing this from one of my favorite coffee shops in Park City (which has the added bonus of allowing dogs!). For those of you who know Puck, picturing him sitting quietly at a coffee shop is probably hard to do. He’s getting the hang of it, but yesterday...
by Cary | Aug 4, 2018 | Cary's Rants, Travels
It has been a busy two weeks, focused on my nephew Max’s visit this past week. This was a big deal. It was his first solo trip. And it was my first attempt to create a fun adventure for an 11-year-old. My sister and I had been talking about it for a while and I was...
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