by Cary | Aug 28, 2017 | Training
I never gave much thought to muscle atrophy until I had ankle surgery several years ago. When my cast came off after just a week, I was shocked: Where the hell did my calf muscle go? And what was that floppy skin doing in its place? The scary reality of muscle...
by Cary | Aug 23, 2017 | Travels
Goodbye Park City. Again. For now. I’ll be back soon. It’s always fun to learn new towns and trails. And coffee shops. I feel like I’m getting the hang of Park City. This morning Puck and I went for our final Park City hand cycle ride on Betty the Hand Cycle. I don’t...
by Cary | Aug 20, 2017 | Travels
It’s been a whirlwind few days and I haven’t had time to update. So I’ll do the Cliffs Notes update of my road trip to Park City. Really what you want to hear about is the Slip & Soar held on the ski jumps at the Utah Olympic Park. But I’ll save the best for last....
by Cary | Aug 15, 2017 | Cary's Rants
Yesterday morning I woke up to the now familiar patter of rain. It was actually pouring, so a bit more than a patter. We’ve had such a rainy summer here! I can’t complain too much because it means we are not suffering from forest fires. And everything is green and...
by Cary | Aug 12, 2017 | Cary's Rants
I have been meaning to update this blog for the past week. But I have realized everything takes me 10 times as long and costs 10 times the energy as it used to. By the time 5:00 rolls around, I’m so exhausted I feel like I must have done a lot: Fed dog? Check. Fed...
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