by Cary | Jun 29, 2017 | Stuff I love
My life would not be complete without dark chocolate. I have always loved chocolate. Over the years I have gone from milk to darker milk to sort of dark to dark to extra dark and finally to chocolate labeled wicked & extreme. Let’s get it straight right off the...
by Cary | Jun 27, 2017 | Racing, Training
Rest and recovery is critical through all your training cycles. It is in the recovery that we give our body a chance to adapt to the stresses we place on it in training. Bottom line: training without recovery will not result in the gains you are looking for. Your body...
by Cary | Jun 25, 2017 | Travels
Chip dubbed this CBB: Coach Behaving Badly. That was just too accurate not to steal! I will start with my confession. I violated my number one rule, which I think I was pretty clear about: NOTHING NEW on race day. In my defense, I didn’t have much choice. And on the...
by Cary | Jun 24, 2017 | Racing, Travels
I’m all set for race day: Toes coiffed. Good coffee found. Post race beer & burger location chosen. Race gear organized. Random thoughts written. Someday I will come back to Coeur d’Alene to play on the trails. But for now my knowledge of the place is limited to...
by Cary | Jun 22, 2017 | Racing, Travels
It seems like I was just in Idaho. Ha ha, I WAS just in Idaho. So now I find myself in lovely Coeur d’Alene. Harder to spell than Sun Valley, and a completely different vibe, but it is a cool place too. I have vowed to stop looking at the weather forecast because...
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