It seems like I was just in Idaho. Ha ha, I WAS just in Idaho. So now I find myself in lovely Coeur d’Alene. Harder to spell than Sun Valley, and a completely different vibe, but it is a cool place too.
I have vowed to stop looking at the weather forecast because every time I look, the Sunday (race day) temperature goes up. It is now forecast at 91 degrees. Not looking.
The lovely apartment I rented is right ON the run course. How tempting will that be? Great for race morning but not so great when I start the 13.1 mile suffer fest in 91 degree heat and have to pass by my apartment FOUR (4!!!) times. Note to self: Do NOT have cold beer in fridge. That might just push me over the edge.
On a complete tangent now: Air travel has become so not fun. Today I was on a small jet with about 2x the number of people it was built for. I’m only 5’7”, what do tall people do? And what do they do if they are in a window seat? People are getting bigger and airplane seats are getting smaller. Where is the logic in that?
My trip TO the airport, however, was lovely. I have been trying to ride the new (ish) Denver light rail train to the airport when I can. A 10-minute Uber to Union Station, and about 35 minutes later I’m at the airport. Today I discovered a new bag check right where you get off the train so I didn’t even have to go to check in. It was awesome. Yay Denver!
And, for the record, I like not having the in-app tipping option on Uber. When they put the in-app tipping option in there, I will feel like I should tip. I guess I could tip in cash, but it never seemed expected. Are you supposed to tip Uber drivers? For all I know I have “cheapskate: doesn’t tip” attached to my profile.
I have already scouted the first coffee shop (I cheated, I had been there before) and researched the burger and beer options for Sunday. I am sure cold beer is good for heatstroke.
I have raced so much that I no longer get nervous. It probably helps that I place less importance on my race performance these days. Though I still get a rush of emotion and accomplishment every time I finish, knowing I left it all out there. Such a high – that’s the payoff, no question.
But it IS nice not to have pre race nerves. I sleep like a baby. It simply annoys me that I have to wake up at 3:00. Although CdA is on Pacific Time, so it will feel like 4:00 for me, which is about the time Maya starts jumping on the bed asking to be fed.
Have fun Cary! Cannot wait to hear the run race report. I think I would wear a sombrero.
Thanks Roberto! If I do I will be sure to have a photo!