I actually really like winter. Mostly. The shorter days are hard, but I love winter sports and being out on a beautiful day watching Puck and friends go crazy in the snow. Since I last posted, my body hasn’t been particularly happy with me. Put on your surprised face that maybe I overdid it in just one month. My Whoop is helping remind me that I have to stop NOW. I have decided I need to chill (or at least do my version of chill) for a week or two to see if I can avert another train wreck.

The crew
This has meant lots of walks with the dogs and a few easy skis with friends. Puck and I are lucky to both have great friends here in Crested Butte. With them I keep my sanity even if I can’t train hard. The dogs make me laugh out loud with their antics. I wish I could capture them on video, but my hands are usually in my heated mittens, so it is hard to take video. Maybe in spring when it is warmer.
It has been quite cold here. I think the last few years were warmer, and I got a little spoiled. I remember on an early trip to Crested Butte, probably back in 2007 or 2008, going for a long run in -18-degree weather with Bob, the dog. We came back with icicles on every exposed surface. Poor Bob. Puck doesn’t know how easy he has it! Now we don’t go out unless it is above zero. At least in some things I am truly wiser.
That’s all for now. I am testing out my new website and hoping that all the links work!!
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