I’m sure glad we camped at the start of this trip. As cold and windy as it was, it was dry. This morning we woke up to snow. Not to be deterred, we headed out to the trails for a run. The soil is quite sandy, so it was not muddy at all. It is lovely to run in falling snow at first light! My running is feeling really solid. Solid, not to be confused with fast. But I’m thrilled about it.

When we arrived at the trailhead, we noticed a man who was camping there; he had abandoned his tent and was sitting in his car with the heat on. We understood.


Puck has been fighting a tummy bug. Not sure what he got into, obviously something really good. He hasn’t had much of an appetite and he clearly doesn’t feel great. There is a lot of groaning. Although he rallies for our trail adventures. Yesterday I thought he was on the mend because he ate a small breakfast and dinner. But today it was more of the same. We destroyed some poor unsuspecting person’s yard. I tried to pick it up but there is only so much you can do. Hopefully the snow has hidden the evidence. Perhaps this is Puck’s way of protesting our “fun” camping adventure.

After our run, I decided it was a good day to be (semi) productive. And overdose on coffee. I’ve been bouncing from coffee shop to coffee shop, working.

I started at the Little Red Hen Bakery. They have amazing gluten free scones. Since I am on vacation, I get to eat such things. Their brewed coffee is also surprisingly good.

My favorite coffee shop is closed on Tuesday – that’s Howl Mercantile in case you make it here – so I am now at my second (or third?) favorite place, Sacred Grounds. I think there are only five coffee shops in town, and I have tried them all. But these three are the ones you need to remember.

I’m going to take myself to dinner tonight at The Fritz. I’m looking forward to a date with myself, a nice glass of wine, maybe a fancy salad. I don’t think I’ve earned a burger today, but I could change my mind.

Our plan tomorrow is to head out early and hopefully hit the Hartman Rocks trails for a bike ride in Gunnison on our way to Crested Butte. I don’t believe this storm hit Crested Butte or Gunnison. Just our luck.

Hopefully the Monster (that’s Puck) will be back to full power tomorrow!